Monday, June 16, 2008

XML Schema co-occurrence constraint workaround

Here's a potential workaround for the co-constraint problem in XML Schema.

Given some XML:

<elem type="typeA">

<elem type="typeB">

...the problem is you can't constrain the contents of <elem> based on the value of the type attribute.

You can do it though, if you add an xsi:type attribute to it to explicitly set its type:

<elem type="typeA" xsi:type="elem_typeA">

<elem type="typeB" xsi:type="elem_typeB">

with suitable type definitions in the schema:

<xs:complexType name="elem_typeA">
<xs:element ref="typeA"/>

<xs:complexType name="elem_typeB">
<xs:element ref="typeB"/>

...and when the XML is validated the relevant definition will be used.

This technique is far from ideal as it involves modifying the source, but only in a way which doesn't break it for anyone else. Given the various options for validating co-constraints, this could well be the most straightforward way (at least until 1.1 comes along).

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